awesome colors :F
awesome colors :F
a little bit nice
this is the best picture you've ever shown us, seriously. It's artistic and it can in fact be used in a newspaper for example.
A six? Cognito, ergo fuck yourself.
love it!
I like how you draw girls, it's cool and dynamic. Just have to point out that the striped sun-looking thing is covering the girl up, she shines already so it would've been great with just a normal black background. But it's your picture :)
this is too good to only be made once :3 draw more!
awesome coloring! :D
What kind of colors did you paint with?
It was acrylic paint. :) And I used the primary colors(red,blue,yellow) plus black, white and braun...and then mixing offcourse :D
I like the creature! It's so cool and the shadows too :F
though the arm and the sleeve which is connected to the creature don't look like they're in the same perspective.
good work, keep it up! :D
i didnt realize the perspective problem until you mentioned it thanks
Nice hair
The hair is really awesome!!! :D
But you should have focused on the body too, its a little confusing with the rose petals and the long dress, they make the hair not stand out.
yesh....shoulda left the corset white, I got a little carried away designing the dress.
I don't have a flashlight in my pocket... 8D
Joined on 7/29/09